Carol A. Mueller German to English Translation Services dba https://www. will be what’s known as the ‘Controller’ of the personal data you provide.

Privacy Policy & GDPR Privacy Notice for Carol A. Mueller German to English Translation Services:

I only collect basic personal data about you which includes your company name (if applicable), your name, address, email and phone number.

I do not subcontract work out to third parties nor do I have any employees. No other person has unsupervised access to my home office premises and its contents.

As no part of any project is outsourced, your data and your documents are not shared with anyone else. If this policy changes or it becomes necessary, as an exception to this general policy, you will be asked beforehand for your consent and any third parties involved will be required to read and sign a non disclosure agreement.

All materials received from you and the translations I produce or the products of other language services I provide are always treated with confidentiality.

My website has SSL for additional security.

Why I need your data

I need to know your basic personal data in order to issue Order Confirmations and Invoices for the provision of my German to English language and language-related services. In some cases, I will ask for your specific location even before providing you with a quote as the translation delivery method and your location will often impact the price and type of delivery.  I will not collect any personal data from you that is not needed in order to provide and oversee my services to you.

In short, your contact info is used to contact you, provide you with a quote, handle any questions that arise over the course of the project, deliver the services you requested and provide you with customer service.

 What I do with your data

Your data is used solely in the course of ordinary and legitimate business, namely the provision of language-related services.

I, Carol A. Mueller German to English Translation Services dba, do not sell, rent, loan or otherwise transfer personal data to any third party unless required by law or within the scope of a registrar, regulatory, or financial audit.

No one other than myself has access to the computer(s) used for this business.

Computer access is password protected along with firewalls and antivirus software.

Paper documents, to the extent they are absolutely necessary, are stored in locked containers/safes.

Any print outs necessary for editing/proofreading purposes are securely shredded after the translation has been delivered.

Overall, any paper documents that are no longer needed (see below) are securely shredded.

You may black out any information you consider sensitive on documents you send to me for translation. A notarized statement covering the translation will of course have to identify any omissions in the source text (what you sent) and the target text (my translation). For such translations, blacking out any such info may not be an ideal solution for your purposes. Upon request, I’ll gladly delete from my computer both the source and the target texts (and shred any paper print outs) after your payment has cleared and you have accepted the translation (following delivery). Please note that in such cases, I will not be able to help you at a later date if your translation has been lost or if you need extra copies and you no longer have the translation (as it has been submitted to an authority and you forgot to make extra copies). You can request the deletion at any time and it will be processed in a timely manner.

To the extent that the documents you have sent for me to quote on or to provide a language service for you contain personal information (for example, a birth certificate), no such information is mixed in with your basic contact information.

How long I keep your data

I retain  your basic personal data (name, address, contact details) for 10 years after which time it will be destroyed. Your past, completed translation projects will, in general, be kept on file for 10 years as well, especially as clients often have a need for me to resend an important translation they have lost. Invoices are retained indefinitely.

You can easily contact me ( to request that I change/update, send to you, or delete  your contact info and, if relevant, your completed project(s). Deletions will be performed within a reasonable period of time. Deletion of projects (prior to expiration of the stated retention period) will be performed within a reasonable period of time as long as your account is fully paid up.

What I would also like to do with your data

Your data is used solely for billing and contact (email, phone, invoicing) purposes as described above.

I do not send out any newsletters or mass emails nor are there any plans to do so. If this policy does change, I will update this Privacy Policy accordingly.

 I also do not collect data from any web forms as I personally find email and phone contact more useful and the one form I did have on this website, is now deleted as it attracted spammers.

I am currently not using Google’s AdSense though this may change in the future.

Social media widgets etc.

This website may include social media features, such a Facebook button. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Site. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it. There are currently (as on Feb 15, 2024) no social media widgets/links on this site.

Some of the WordPress plugins on may make use of cookies, for SEO purposes for example. By changing the settings on the browser(s) you use, you can limit the use of any cookies that track your online activities and preferences.

Data storage

None of your personal or project data is stored in the ‘cloud’.

All data, contact info, contracts, order confirmations, invoices and translations are physically stored on my computers. Backups are stored in locked safes.

Emails pass through the web hosting company’s servers; this company has also issued its GDPR/Privacy Policy.

A spam filter is used to lessen spam.

 What are your rights

 If at any point you believe the information I have on you is incorrect,  you can request to see this information and have it corrected or deleted ( If you wish to raise a complaint on how I have handled your personal data, you can contact me to have the matter investigated ( I will respond to all requests, inquiries or concerns within 30 (thirty) calendar days.

If you suspect a breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), please contact me at

Full contact info: see Contact

Privacy Policy GDPR for Carol A. Mueller German to English Translation Services

Revised:  Feb. 15, 2024